
How to Make a Static Splash Screen in Iphone Using Xcode

By default an xcode project created for iPhone looks for Default.jpg image in the resources. So all you need to do is: 1.) Make sure that ...

By default an xcode project created for iPhone looks for Default.jpg image in the resources. So all you need to do is:

1.) Make sure that you have a "Default.jpg" image in your Resources project folder

2.) In the class file that extends UIApplicationDelegate, look at the .m file and find the method: applicationDidFinishLaunching. Add the line sleep(n);
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {    
    // Override point for customization after app launch    
    [window addSubview:viewController.view];
    [window makeKeyAndVisible];


xcode 3570340433032316335

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Unknown said...

Hello Jay, It should be Default.png (not .jpg)

peace :)


czetsuya said...

Hi Erwin,

Yes it should be .png.

Thanks for the correction :-D.

And btw it's Edward

tom said...

yeah its .png as previosuly said but also the code doesnt like ti in the latest version of xcode.

the addSubview.viewcontroller isnt recognised it points you to addSubview.UIviewcontroller instead and it doesnt like the .view element.

I think this was ok on earlier releases of xcode but not any use any longer
