
How to Fix Server Application Unavailable on Iis

Server Application Unavailable on IIS is often caused by a misconfigured IIS virtual directory. You can look at the event viewer of window...

Server Application Unavailable on IIS is often caused by a misconfigured IIS virtual directory.

You can look at the event viewer of windows and you might find some clue, possibly you will see this error:
"It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process."

What you can do is to create a new application pool and point your website or virtual directory to that application pool.

How to create an application pool in Windows 7:
1.) Open IIS
2.) Right click Application Pool->Add Application Pool
3.) Enter a new
4.) Select theh .net framework then click Ok
5.) A new Application Pool is created

Assigning your website and virtual directory to the newly created Application Pool
1.) Select the website or virtual directory
2.) Click Basic Settings on the right side
3.) Change the Application Pool Setting


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