How to Use Testng With Eclipse
This tutorial will teach you how to setup and run TestNG on eclipse. What you need: 1.) Download and setup eclipse-java-helios 2.) Downl...
This tutorial will teach you how to setup and run TestNG on eclipse.
What you need:
1.) Download and setup eclipse-java-helios
2.) Download and extract TestNG ( in c:\java\testng-version
2.) Install TestNG on eclipse using this link (
a.) In eclipse select Help->Install New Software and enter the update url
3.) TestNG documentation here:
Working on eclipse:
1.) Create a new java project JavaHelpers.
2.) Create a new file build.xml (ant file)
3.) Create a new class TestNGDemo.
4.) Add Testng.jar to the project's build path by: right click project->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Select Libraries Tab->Add External Jar->Locate TestNg.jar to where we extract earlier (c:\java\testng.jar)
5.) This class, test add and sub mathematical operations.
5.) To create a file which will tell the system of all the class which has test, right click the class->TestNG->Convert to TestNG->Next->Finish. And you will have a file testng.xml created in your project, which contains:
6.) To test a class simply: Right click the class->Run As->TestNG Test.
7.) To test the whole project: Right click testng.xml->Run As->TestNG Suite.
8.) And this is how it should look like:
9.) If you want to do it the ant way, here's the build script:
What you need:
1.) Download and setup eclipse-java-helios
2.) Download and extract TestNG ( in c:\java\testng-version
2.) Install TestNG on eclipse using this link (
a.) In eclipse select Help->Install New Software and enter the update url
3.) TestNG documentation here:
Working on eclipse:
1.) Create a new java project JavaHelpers.
2.) Create a new file build.xml (ant file)
3.) Create a new class TestNGDemo.
4.) Add Testng.jar to the project's build path by: right click project->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Select Libraries Tab->Add External Jar->Locate TestNg.jar to where we extract earlier (c:\java\testng.jar)
5.) This class, test add and sub mathematical operations.
package com.kbs.testng; import org.testng.Assert; import org.testng.annotations.Test; public class TestNGDemo { @Test public void sum() { Assert.assertEquals(7, 4 + 4); } @Test public void sub() { Assert.assertEquals(0, 4 - 4); } /* * I am not a test. */ public void sumNotTest() { Assert.assertEquals(7, 4 + 4); } /* * I am not a test. */ public void subNotTest() { Assert.assertEquals(0, 4 - 4); } }The most important thing to notice is the @Test annotation, it tells us that, that method is a test. You can put the @Test annotation in the class level, which means all the method inside the class are test. Also note that if there's no @Test annotation on class level and on a method, it means it's not a test.
5.) To create a file which will tell the system of all the class which has test, right click the class->TestNG->Convert to TestNG->Next->Finish. And you will have a file testng.xml created in your project, which contains:
<suite name="Suite" parallel="none"> <test name="Test" preserve-order="false"> <classes> <class name="com.kbs.testng.TestNGDemo"> </class></classes> </test> </suite>Note: You can add test classes here.
6.) To test a class simply: Right click the class->Run As->TestNG Test.
7.) To test the whole project: Right click testng.xml->Run As->TestNG Suite.
8.) And this is how it should look like:
9.) If you want to do it the ant way, here's the build script:
<project name="JavaHelpers" default="" basedir="."> <!-- set global properties for this build --> <property name="program_name" value="JavaHelpers" /> <property name="package_name" value="JavaHelpers" /> <property name="src" value="src" /> <property name="build" value="build" /> <property name="testng.home" value="C:/java/testng-6.2" /> <property name="testng.jar" value="testng-6.2.jar" /> <property name="" value="testng-output" /> <path id="compile.boot.path"> <fileset dir="${testng.home}"> <include name="${testng.jar}" /> </fileset> <fileset dir="${java.home}/lib"> <include name="rt.jar" /> </fileset> </path> <target name="testng"> <taskdef name="testng" classname="org.testng.TestNGAntTask"> <classpath location="${testng.home}/${testng.jar}" /> </taskdef> <mkdir dir="${}" /> <testng outputdir="${}" classpath="${basedir}/${build}/classes"> <xmlfileset dir="${basedir}" includes="testng.xml" /> </testng> </target> <!-- Compile Source --> <target name="compile"> <mkdir dir="${build}/classes" /> <javac destdir="build/classes" target="1.6" source="1.6"> <bootclasspath refid="compile.boot.path" /> <src path="${src}" /> <include name="**/*.java" /> </javac> </target> </project>After a successful run it will create a folder: testng-output in your project's root directory.
Perfect! thanks so much!!!! it worked!
Its working fine.
Thank you very much.
hello, at step 1: what version of eclipse should I install? Eclipse IDE for Java Developers ?
thank you,
Hi Suditu, yes in this tutorial I've used: "Eclipse IDE for Java Developers".
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