
How to Push External Jar Into Artifactory Using Maven

This code assumes that you already have artifactory setup. And your local settings.xml allows you to push external jars into it. To do that ...

This code assumes that you already have artifactory setup. And your local settings.xml allows you to push external jars into it. To do that you only need to setup your artifactory's username and password. 

Here is the code, it uploads the file javapns_2.2.jar into my artifactory. FYI javapns is an artifact use for apple push notification :-):

mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.googlecode.javapns -DartifactId=javapns-jdk16 -Dversion=2.2 -Dfile=JavaPNS_2.2.jar -Dpackaging=jar -DgeneratePom=true


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