
Magento all links throws 404 Not Found error

After downloading and installing magento 1.7.4 for evaluation, I found out that by default all the frontend links are not working. But the b...

After downloading and installing magento 1.7.4 for evaluation, I found out that by default all the frontend links are not working. But the backend works fine.

As I remember long time ago this is a problem when deploying locally and using a virtual address, example http://localhost/magento, because by default magento rewrites to "/". So open up /.htaccess uncomment and change:

//I installed magento in /var/www/magento
RewriteBase / -> RewriteBase /magento

And then allow overrides in magento folder recursively, this can be achieve by editing the file /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default and add this lines before
<Directory /var/www/magento>
  AllowOverride All


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