
How to copy a folder from jboss deployment to your local machine

The code below will copy a folder from a deployed application in jboss to a local folder in your machine. This is useful if you want to depl...

The code below will copy a folder from a deployed application in jboss to a local folder in your machine. This is useful if you want to deploy something, perhaps a set of configuration files on your local machine on deployment.

File destinationDir = new File(destinationFolder);
if (!destinationDir.exists()) {

 //get the folder path from resource
 String sourcePath = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource("./jasper").getPath();
 File sourceFile = new File(sourcePath);
 if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
  //get the vfs path
  VirtualFile vfDir = VFS.getChild("/content/"
    + ParamBean.getInstance().getProperty("meveo.moduleName", "meveo")
    + ".war/WEB-INF/classes/jasper");
  URL vfPath = VFSUtils.getPhysicalURL(vfDir);
  sourceFile = new File(vfPath.getPath());
  if (!sourceFile.exists()) {
   throw new Exception("missing source");
 //copy the resource files to local machine
 FileUtils.copyDirectory(sourceFile, destinationDir);


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