
How to Secure Angular4 With Keycloak Role or Group

This article will be an extension of an existing one: . No...

This article will be an extension of an existing one:

Normally on the front-end side (Angular), we are only concern whether a user is authenticated or not. Authorization, whether a user has enough access to a given REST resource, is configured in the API side. But what if we want to secure the front-end URLs nonetheless? One of the many solutions is to create a guard and either add an authorization code in canLoad or canActivate. In this article, we will deal with canLoad, as we are lazy-loading our modules (please refer to Angular documentation for more information).

In this particular example, we are checking for the group claim tied to a user. The role would also do, but I normally used that on the REST API side.

Here are the steps:
  1. Create a permission-guard model that we will use when defining the route
    export interface PermissionGuard {
        Only?: Array string>,
        Except?: Array string>,
        RedirectTo?: string | Function
  2. Add the route in your app-routing.module.ts file, and define the Permission model in the data attribute.
            path: 'dashboard/employee',
            canLoad: [AuthGuard],
            loadChildren: 'app/module/dashboard/employee/employee.module#EmployeeModule',
            data: {
                Permission: {
                    Only: ['employee'],
                    RedirectTo: '403'
                } as PermissionGuard
  3. In our keycloak.service, add the following methods. It checks if a user is a member of a group specified in the PermissionGuard.
    static hasGroup( groupName: string ): boolean {
     return KeycloakService.auth.authz != null && 
    && KeycloakService.auth.authz.idTokenParsed.groups.indexOf( "/" + groupName ) !== -1 ? true : false;
    static hasGroups( groupNames: Array ): boolean {
     return groupNames.some( v => {
      if ( typeof v === "string" )
       return KeycloakService.hasGroup( v );
     } );
  4. Going back to the auth-guard.service, let's modify the canLoad method to process the authorization. Here we use the previously defined method to check if the current logged user is a member of a specific group.
    canLoad( route: Route ): boolean {
     if ( KeycloakService.auth.loggedIn && KeycloakService.auth.authz.authenticated ) { "user has been successfully authenticated" );
     } else {
      return false;
 "checking authorization" );
     let data =["Permission"] as PermissionGuard;
     if ( Array.isArray( data.Only ) && Array.isArray( data.Except ) ) {
      throw "Can't use both 'Only' and 'Except' in route data.";
     if ( Array.isArray( data.Only ) ) {
      let hasDefined = KeycloakService.hasGroups( data.Only )
      if ( hasDefined )
       return true;
      if ( data.RedirectTo && data.RedirectTo !== undefined )
       this.router.navigate( [data.RedirectTo] );
      return false;
     if ( Array.isArray( data.Except ) ) {
      let hasDefined = KeycloakService.hasGroups( data.Except )
      if ( !hasDefined )
       return true;
      if ( data.RedirectTo && data.RedirectTo !== undefined )
       this.router.navigate( [data.RedirectTo] );
      return false;
  5. An additional bonus is having a directive that we can use in the UI side to hide/show an element when a user is either a member of a group or not
    import { Directive, OnInit, ElementRef, Input } from '@angular/core';
    import { KeycloakService } from 'app/core/auth/keycloak.service';
    @Directive( {
        selector: '[hasGroup]'
    } )
    export class HasGroupDirective implements OnInit {
        @Input( 'hasGroup' ) group: string;
        @Input( 'hasGroups' ) groups: string;
        constructor( private element: ElementRef, ) { }
        ngOnInit() {
            if ( KeycloakService.hasGroup( ) ) {
       = '';
            } else {
       = 'none';
  1. What is 403? It's an additional route to redirect when a user is not authorized.
    { path: '403', component: ForbiddenComponent },
Note: This article is inspired by ng2-permission.



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