
Building a Multi-container Project With Docker

Docker is a software delivery service in packages called a container. Its main purpose is to enable rapid application deployment on differ...

Docker is a software delivery service in packages called a container. Its main purpose is to enable rapid application deployment on different server environments. For instance, you can easily configure deployment for integration and testing environment without actually setting up a whole new set of servers. This is really helpful for developers who are working on one of the project’s modules because with docker they can deploy the rest of the system without actually configuring them.

In this tutorial, we will create a docker and docker-compose template that will let us run a JavaEE web application with database connection deployed on a Wildfly instance.

Our docker-compose will contain the following containers:
  • Postgresql - database
  • Adminer - database management tool
  • Tailon - searching and showing logs
  • Wildfly - web application server
  • Keycloak - authentication and authorization server



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