
How to Install Amibroker for Pse

Download and generate stock quotes in CSV format from PSE using this Java utility program. 1. Introduction I would like to share how I&#...

Download and generate stock quotes in CSV format from PSE using this Java utility program.

1. Introduction

I would like to share how I'm generating a stock quote from the Philippine Stock Exchange that is compatible with Amibroker.

2. Downloading the stock quote from PSE.

  1. Fire up your browser and open the URL
  2. In the left panel click Market Information / Market Activity / Market Reports.
  3. At the End of Day Quotes data list, select/check the report that you wanted to import to Amibroker and hit download at the bottom of the list. It should download a pdf file.

3. Installing the Report Converter

  1. Download and install OpenJDK 8, which you will need to run our application.
  2. In the browser, open the URL and download the latest zipped release -
  3. Extract the PSEStockQuoteGenerator on your computer.

4. Generating Stock Quote

  1. Copy the pdf file you have downloaded from step 2.a to the folder where you extract the PSEStockQuoteGenerator.
  2. Inside the folder, there is a file with the name PSEStockQuoteGenerator.bat. Double click it and it should generate a CSV file that is compatible with Amibroker.

5. Importing the CSV file to Amibroker

  1. Open Amibroker.
  2. Click File / Import Wizard / Pick files.
  3. Select the CSV file that we have just generated and click next.
  4. In the define fields panel, column 2. Set the date format to MDY. Click next and then finish.
  5. Your local Amibroker database should be updated with the stock quote report. Open a chart and you should see the new entry.

6. StockQuotes for Sale

I'm selling my Stock Quotes collection from May 2006 up to Mar 2022 for $100.


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