
How to Add a Source Folder in Eclipse

1. Introduction When building a project in Eclipse, it's sometimes necessary to add a source path so that compilation will succeed. In o...

1. Introduction

When building a project in Eclipse, it's sometimes necessary to add a source path so that compilation will succeed. In our case, our project's version is generated on compile-time and is being referenced by other java classes.

1.1 Prerequisites

  • You must have experience with Eclipse and Maven.

2. Adding the Source Folder

For this tutorial, we will be using an open-source project where I'm involved in the development which is the Meveo Platform.
  1. For this case, make sure that the project is checkout correctly.
  2. Expand the folder that you wanted to add as a source.
  3. Right-click on it / Build Path / Use as a Source Folder

  4. And you should be able to see the new source folder under the parent project.


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