
How to Install Eclipse Ide on Windows

Eclipse is a pluggable integrated development environment for computer programmers use in software development. It is one of the most w...

Eclipse is a pluggable integrated development environment for computer programmers use in software development. It is one of the most widely used IDE for Java development.

1. Introduction

Eclipse has a large community, which means there's a lot of free available plugins that can be installed and use such as theme, code helper, debugging tools, and more. Eclipse is back by IBM which for now, makes it future proof.

2. Installation

2.1 Download Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from It should show the latest version. The downloaded file should have a filename like "eclipse-inst-jre-win64.exe".

2.2 Double click the file to install. If a security warning pop up, clicks Run.

2.2 Select the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers.

2.3 Set the JVM and installation folder. Normally, it should pick up Java if it's already installed. Click Install.

2.4 Click Launch.

2.5 Set the Eclipse workspace. This is where Eclipse will save its configuration files as well as the Java projects that we will create. Click Launch.

2.6 And this is how Eclipse IDE looks like.

2.7 Close the Welcome view, by clicking the cross button in the tab.

3. Configure JRE Inside Eclipse

3.1 In Eclipse top menu click Window / Preferences.

3.2 In the Preferences view, expand Java / Installed JREs, select Installed JREs and click Add.

3.3 Select Standard VM, click Next.

3.4 In the JRE Definition view, click Directory and find or select c:/java/jdk/openjdk-11. Click Finish.

3.5 Check the newly installed JRE and click Apply to make it the default in the Eclipse environment.

3.6 Expand the Installed JREs node and select Execution Environments. In the Execution Environment tab, click JavaSE-11, and under the Compatible JREs check openjdk-11. Finally, click Apply and Close.

Now you're ready to create your very first Java project in Eclipse IDE.


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