How to Change the Datagrid Column Header
Using .Net1.1, I experienced a problem on how I could change the header text of a datagrid. Normally, you can set it like this (using the Da...
Using .Net1.1, I experienced a problem on how I could change the header text of a datagrid. Normally, you can set it like this (using the DataGridTableStyle):
DataSet ds = query("Select field_name from table"); datagrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0]; //and NAME will be displayed as the datagrid's headertext. DataGridTableStyle style = new DataGridTableStyle(); DataGridColumnStyle colStyle = new DataGridTextBoxColumn(); colStyle.HeaderText = "NAME"; colStyle.MappingName = "field_name"; style.GridColumnStyles.Add(colStyle); datagrid.TableStyles.Add(style); //Unfortunately it's not working. //An alternative is to rename the column in the sql query: DataSet ds = query("Select field_name AS NEW_FIELD_NAME from table"); datagrid.DataSource = ds.Tables[0];
Hi your code works fine except for one change in the code.
Add style.MappingName="table name";
This is working!
Hi, yes your right forgot to paste that part.
Again this part is very important:
style.MappingName="table name";
Thanks :-D
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