How to Fix Unable to Load Dynamic Library in Php
This problems are often encountered on new php installation. Solution: 1.) Add these lines to httpd.conf PHPIniDir "C:/php-5.2.1...
This problems are often encountered on new php installation.
1.) Add these lines to httpd.conf
2.) In your php.ini, set
a.) session save directory: session.save_path = C:\php-5.2.10\session_dir
b.) upload directory: upload_tmp_dir = C:\php-5.2.10\upload_dir
c.) extension: extension_dir = C:\php-5.2.10\ext
Note: change according to where you extract your php package
3.) Uncomment depending on your needs:
a.) ;extension=php_mysql.dll
b.) ;extension=php_pgsql.dll
c.) ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll
d.) ;extension=php_mbstring.dll
4.) In your environment variable set:
PHPRC = C:\php-5.2.10
How: Right click My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->User Variables->New
5.) Create a new folder where you will put your 3rd party dll needed by the system (libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll). In my case: c:\lib\dll.
6.) Move the lib* dll (libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll) in c:\lib\dll - the extension that you will used.
7.) Add the c:\lib\dll to your System Variables.
How: Right click My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->System Variables->New
8.) Restart your computer.
Start apache and look in the apacheinstalldir/logs directory
What you might see in error log:
1.) If php issue an error on failed to load mbstring, then there's a problem with your extension directory.
2.) If there's no error about mbstring but on mcrypt and/or mysql then there's a problem with the c:\lib\dll, please make sure that you have added c:\lib\dll to your system path.
1.) Add these lines to httpd.conf
PHPIniDir "C:/php-5.2.10"
LoadFile "C:/php-5.2.10/php5ts.dll"
LoadModule php5_module "C:/php-5.2.10/php5apache2_2.dll"
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
2.) In your php.ini, set
a.) session save directory: session.save_path = C:\php-5.2.10\session_dir
b.) upload directory: upload_tmp_dir = C:\php-5.2.10\upload_dir
c.) extension: extension_dir = C:\php-5.2.10\ext
Note: change according to where you extract your php package
3.) Uncomment depending on your needs:
a.) ;extension=php_mysql.dll
b.) ;extension=php_pgsql.dll
c.) ;extension=php_mcrypt.dll
d.) ;extension=php_mbstring.dll
4.) In your environment variable set:
PHPRC = C:\php-5.2.10
How: Right click My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->User Variables->New
5.) Create a new folder where you will put your 3rd party dll needed by the system (libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll). In my case: c:\lib\dll.
6.) Move the lib* dll (libmysql.dll, libmcrypt.dll) in c:\lib\dll - the extension that you will used.
7.) Add the c:\lib\dll to your System Variables.
How: Right click My Computer->Properties->Advanced->Environment Variables->System Variables->New
8.) Restart your computer.
Start apache and look in the apacheinstalldir/logs directory
What you might see in error log:
1.) If php issue an error on failed to load mbstring, then there's a problem with your extension directory.
2.) If there's no error about mbstring but on mcrypt and/or mysql then there's a problem with the c:\lib\dll, please make sure that you have added c:\lib\dll to your system path.
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