Securing your NextJS Web Application with AWS Amplify and Cognito
1. Introduction
NextJS is an open-source framework for developing React applications, while Cognito is a user identity service that lets you secure your applications. Cognito also supports the OAuth form of authentication.
AWS Amplify is an open-source library for managing AWS services like Cognito. It exposes an Authenticator library that can secure an application and provides a ready-made, customizable sign in and signup component.
2. Requirements
You will need the following to run this project.
- Google Console Project
- NodeJS installed on your local machine
3. The code
import React from 'react'; import Link from 'next/link'; import { AmplifyProvider, Authenticator, Button, CheckboxField, Divider, Flex, Heading, Image, Text, useAuthenticator, useTheme, View, withAuthenticator } from "@aws-amplify/ui-react"; import '@aws-amplify/ui-react/styles.css'; import {I18n} from "aws-amplify"; I18n.putVocabulariesForLanguage('en', { Email: 'Enter your email', // Username label Password: 'Enter your password', // Password label }); const withSecurity = (Component) => { const WithAmplifyProviderComponent = ({}) => { return ( <AmplifyProvider> <Component {}></Component> </AmplifyProvider> ) } return withAuthenticator(WithAmplifyProviderComponent, { loginMechanisms: ['email'], socialProviders: ['facebook', 'google'], signUpAttributes: ['family_name', 'given_name'], components: { Header() { const {tokens} = useTheme(); return ( View textAlign="center" padding={}> Image alt="Czetsuya Tech" src="" /> /View> ); }, // Customize `Authenticator.SignUp.FormFields` SignUp: { FormFields() { const {validationErrors} = useAuthenticator(); return ( > {/* Re-use default `Authenticator.SignUp.FormFields` */} Authenticator.SignUp.FormFields/> {/*Append & require Terms & Conditions field to sign up*/} CheckboxField errorMessage={validationErrors.acknowledgement} hasError={!!validationErrors.acknowledgement} name="acknowledgement" value="yes" label="I agree with the Terms & Conditions" > /CheckboxField> /> ); } }, SignIn: { Header() { const {tokens} = useTheme(); return ( Heading padding={`${} 0 0 ${}`} level={3} > Sign in to your account /Heading> ); }, Footer() { const {toResetPassword} = useAuthenticator(); return ( View textAlign="center"> Button fontWeight="normal" onClick={toResetPassword} size="small" variation="link" > Reset Password /Button> /View> ); }, }, Footer() { const {tokens} = useTheme(); return ( React.Fragment> View textAlign="center" padding={}> Text color={`${tokens.colors.neutral['80']}`}> © 2021 Czetsuya Tech ® All Rights Reserved /Text> /View> Divider/> View textAlign="center" padding={}> Flex direction="column"> Link href="/resources/terms-and-conditions"> a>Terms and Conditions /a> /Link> Link href="/resources/privacy-policy"> a>Privacy Policy /a> /Link> /Flex> /View> /React.Fragment> ); }, }, services: { async validateCustomSignUp(formData) { if (!formData.acknowledgement) { return { acknowledgement: 'You must agree to the Terms & Conditions', }; } }, } }) } export default withSecurity;
You can download the complete source code at, check out the branch feature/aws-amplify.
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