How to Convert Vertically Stored Asset Data into Columnar Format for Cointegration Analysis
Introduction This piece of code fetches asset information from a table stored vertically. Dependencies Install the following package. cond...
Install the following package.
conda install pandas conda install numpy as np conda install mysql-connector-python conda install sqlalchemy conda install pymysql
Hands-on Coding
Connect to the database
def query_df(query): try: engine_uri = f"mysql+pymysql://db_user:db_pass_123@localhost:3306/tradewise_pse" db_conn = create_engine(engine_uri) df_result = pd.read_sql(query, db_conn) return df_result except Exception as e: print(str(e))
Fetching the Dataset
if not load_existing: sql_distinct_tickers = "select ticker from candlestick where event_time='2023-12-29' and ticker not like '^%%'" df_tickers = query_df(sql_distinct_tickers) df = pd.DataFrame(index=['event_time']) ### Get the candlesticks for ticker in df_tickers['ticker']: sql_ticker_col = "select event_time, close from candlestick where ticker='{0}'" df_temp = query_df(sql_ticker_col.format(ticker)) df_temp.set_index('event_time', inplace=True) df_temp.rename(columns={'close': ticker}, inplace=True) df = df.add(df_temp, fill_value=0) df.to_csv(file_name)
Load the dataset from file
df = pd.read_csv(file_name, index_col=0) df.drop(index=df.index[-1],axis=0, inplace=True)
Drop NA
df.dropna(axis=1, inplace=True)
Print the dataset
print(f"Shape: {df.shape}") print(f"Null values: {df.isnull().values.any()}") df
Save to a file
This procedure is in preparation for cointegration testing.
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